Test Stimuli for Comparison of Visual Quality

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Test Stimuli for Comparison of Visual Quality

To verify the performance of our proposed schemes, we construct test stimuli including two reference sequences compressed and the reconstructed sequences at the cell border. In this simulation, “Football” and “Silent” sequences in the CIF format (352X288) at 30 frames/sec. The H.264/SVC (JSVM version 9.15) is used for video compression. The video sequence consists of one intra (I-) and consecutive inter (P-) frames, and the I-frame is repeated every 30 frames. In order to prevent error propagation, a passive error concealment method is applied based on our previous error concealment experiments. The error concealment adopt two strategies of the spatial and temporal error concealments. The missed macroblocks (MBs) in the I-frame are concealed by the spatial interpolation, while the information about missed MBs in the P-frame is drawn from previous frames in the decoding buffer.
Two reference sequences are distorted via the packet loss simulator depending on the bit error ratio. In order to compare performance, two non-coordinated (NC-1 and NC-2) and two proposed coordinated (CSA and CSA-JT) resource allocation schemes are tested at the cell border region. Each stimulus can be downloaded by clicking each demo frame of follow table.

If not downloaded, click the image by right button and select 'save target as'.


Football sequence

Silent sequence







Multidimensional Insight Lab, C703, Engineering Hall C, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea

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