International Journals - Submitted
Submitted Papers
† equal
- Hyucksang Lee†, Seongmin Lee†, and Sanghoon Lee, "Visibility-Aware Multi-view Stereo by Surface Normal Weighting for Occlusion Robustness", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, submitted.
- Kyungjune Lee, Beom Kwon, Woojae Kim, and Sanghoon Lee, "Camera Trajectory Planning in Immersive 3-D Human Motion-Based Entertainment Contents", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, submitted.
- Seongmin Lee†, Jiwoo Kang†, and Sanghoon Lee, "3D Facial Shape Similarity with Deep Multiview Perceptual Representations", Pattern Recognition, submitted.
- Kyoungoh Lee, Jungwoo Huh, Jiwoo Kang, and Sanghoon Lee, "3D Pose Similarity Quantification and Estimation in the Presence of Self-occlusion", Pattern Recognition, submitted.
- Jungwoo Huh, Kyungjune Lee, Jaekyung Kim, Ingu Park, Junhyeong Bak, Donggeon Kim, and Sanghoon Lee "A Line-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation Framework Using Mid-wave Infrared Observations," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), submitted.